Tooth extraction -surgery

Surgical tooth extraction at the dentist’s office is a procedure performed only when all other methods of treatment have remained ineffective. At Baka Clinic, we strive to ensure that every patient is as comfortable and safe as possible during treatment, with pain reduced to a minimum.

When do we perform surgical tooth removal?

Tooth extraction is only necessary when there is a risk that the tooth may contribute to the deterioration of the patient’s oral health or the entire masticatory organ. This usually refers to teeth that are too tightly aligned or outgoing eighths, which can cause distention of neighboring structures. In addition to this, cases where any other tooth, although it has developed, has not developed its correct location in the jaw are also distinguished.

In addition, we use surgical tooth extraction when, as a result of mechanical damage or a disease process, a tooth has been stripped of its crown – in this case, the only remaining structure is the root, which must be removed. In addition, if the root has an abnormal structure and alignment we consider tooth extraction. However, we are keen to ensure that our patients at Baka Clinic are aware that we will first do everything possible to save their natural teeth.

What does working with Baka Clinic look like?

Patient history and assessment
Detailed research
Presentation of treatment options
Selection and scheduling

Treatment removal of a tooth

For surgical tooth removal, the dentist prepares the patient accordingly, using local anesthesia. During the procedure, the gum is cut, after which the dentist precisely separates the tooth from adjacent structures so that he can then carefully remove it with special tools. Once the tooth is removed, the dentist sutures the surface of the gum to prevent the development of any infection and to ensure smooth healing of the tissue.

It is worth realizing that surgical tooth removal does not actually hurt. The anesthesia used for the procedure is very effective, and after the extraction, we recommend the use of cold compresses and emergency painkillers to help you get through the initial healing process.

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