Oral diagnostics

Our work is first and foremost about fulfilling your desires and dreams – that’s why we pay special attention, to maximum accuracy already at the stage of diagnosis.

A professional approach is the basis, without which effective solutions and treatments cannot be implemented. Because we care about your smile, we perform a comprehensive diagnosis of the oral cavity at the very first visit, including examination of the facial muscles and temporomandibular joint.

What will we learn during the study?

Comprehensive and holistic oral diagnostics aims to assess and determine the condition of your entire dentition and adjacent structures – it is worth realizing that in the examination we carefully analyze each tooth individually. As a result, you will receive full information regarding the condition of your bones, teeth, and gums confirmed by relevant documents and examinations, such as a CT scan or pantomogram

After the diagnosis is completed, we can determine an individual treatment plan tailored to your needs and expectations – it is at this stage that we determine what your dream smile should look like and how to achieve it. If you suffer from other ailments indirectly related to your teeth, it’s worth considering additional treatment, for example.

            • For problems with teeth grinding,difficulties during chewing and biting meals,
      with chronic headaches or neck pain.

What does working with Baka Clinic look like?

Patient history and assessment
Detailed research
Presentation of treatment options
Selection and scheduling

How fast does the treatment go?

In fact, it all depends on the situation of the individual patient and the amount of measures we need to implement to guarantee a beautiful and flawless smile. We can certainly guarantee maximum fast turnaround time in the case of treatment of sleep apnea disorders, for example, where a special rehabilitation splint is required.

Usually it takes about a week to make it, but at Baka Clinic we take care of it expressly – it only takes a few tens of minutes for the patient to receive the finished model from the studio.

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