Diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal apnea

At Baka Clinic, we perform a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis of the upper respiratory tract using CT scans when sleep apnea is suspected. If confirmation is obtained, we then need to determine the severity, which will certainly make it easier to plan appropriate treatment.

What is nocturnal apnea?

In the simplest terms, these are sleep disorders in which there are repeated pauses in breathing during the sleep cycle, caused by excessive descent of the muscles of the throat. The causes of this pathology are mainly weakness of these muscles, obesity, hypertrophy of the tongue and many other indirect factors.

Most often, the symptoms of sleep apnea interfere with natural sleep in such a way that the sufferer continues to experience reduced energy levels and diminished mental performance upon awakening because the rest was not of sufficient value. Prolonged ignoring of suspected sleep apnea can lead to chronic fatigue, reduced attention and concentration, headaches and even reduced physical performance on a daily basis.

What does working with Baka Clinic look like?

Patient history and assessment
Detailed research
Presentation of treatment options
Selection and scheduling

Treatment of nocturnal apnea

Some patients struggle with restraint due to the not-so-aesthetic shape or color of their teeth – this could be cavities, diastema, or fairly dark natural tooth color. In the case of a missing space, we offer filling and superstructure also using composite materials – however, it is important to make sure that the tooth in question does not require prior treatment.

Tooth staining is as much an individual characteristic as possible, but it can change over time depending on the consumption of different liquids, such as coffee, or even taking certain types of medication. In such cases, we recommend consulting a good dentist at Baka Clinic at the very beginning, who will take care of cleaning your teeth from tartar and deposits, and then perform a professional whitening treatment.

At our clinic in Swinoujscie, we rely on modern methods. We offer tooth restoration dentistry using high-quality veneers and crowns, as well as additional technologies to improve the color of your teeth. Bet on your smile and choose professionals in their field!

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